Posted on March 10, 2015 in
Motor vehicle accidents in Colorado can be devastating financially, physically and emotionally. Truck accidents in particular can be especially catastrophic. Commercial trucks, such as a dump truck or a big rig, are often large in size and fully loaded, making them 25 times the weight of the average passenger vehicle. Accidents involving these trucks...
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Posted on February 26, 2015 in
Drunk drivers traveling on the busy streets of Denver put everyone at risk of serious injury or even death. A 24-year-old woman was killed last November in an early-morning drunk driving accident. A 57-year-old driver ran a red light and crashed into the woman's vehicle head-on. The older driver was taken to a nearby...
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Posted on February 15, 2015 in
Any type of Colorado motor vehicle accident has the potential to injure or kill drivers, passengers and pedestrians. Every day in Colorado, scores of car accidents are reported around the state. The great majority of those accidents results in minor injuries at worst. However, a few end in tragedy and the loss of life.This...
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Posted on February 8, 2015 in
Some urban Colorado residents walk to get around town, and some walk for the health benefits that walking can provide. Unfortunately, although walking on a sidewalk or in a marked crosswalk should be safe, occasionally, it is not. Over the course of a single year, there are many pedestrian accidentsthroughout Colorado, although the majority...
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Posted on January 29, 2015 in
Most motorcyclists who operate their two-wheeled vehicles on the roads in and around Denver understand the risks. Motorcycles can be unstable compared to other types of motor vehicles because they require balance and different driving skills. These vehicles are also lightweight, which is why motorcycles cannot withstand an impact with larger vehicles, such as...
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