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3 reasons why you should stop speeding now

Posted on September 7, 2018 in
We should all strive to reduce stress and improve the quality of our lives with new perspectives on common problems. One way to do this is to address the fact that many American drivers are prone to speeding -- a topic we covered here recently. Regardless of why you speed, however, you might consider...
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Teen drivers may benefit from a visit to the ER

Posted on September 6, 2018 in
Recently, a Baylor University study found that supplemental drivers’ education programs may save lives. These additional programs include tours of emergency rooms, intensive care units and morgues. The study hints that raising a greater awareness of the consequences of dangerous driving might be a wake-up call for young drivers. According to the Centers for...
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Is it legal to text and drive in Colorado?

Posted on August 27, 2018 in
In 2017, Colorado passed a state law for cellphone use and driving: In summary, you can and you cannot. If it causes distracted driving, you are out of luck. Texting fines in Colorado spiked up to $300 a pop, quite a stretch from the original penalty of $50. It’s not clearly advertised that texting...
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Does a fast-paced culture lead to speeding?

Posted on August 24, 2018 in
The psychology of speeding is very interesting. People know, technically speaking, that speeding just means going faster than the speed limit. Even one mile an hour over that posted limit is enough to break the law. However, people never expect to get pulled over when going just a few miles per hour faster than...
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Colorado police urge pedestrians and drivers to pay attention

Posted on August 10, 2018 in
Colorado Springs is mourning the sixth victim of an auto-pedestrian accident this year. Police are urging both distracted drivers and distracted walkers to pay more attention to their surroundings. The most recent fatality involved a 17-year-old high school student who was walking her dog near the road in the evening. There have been no...
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