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How to avoid a drunk driving charge in Colorado on New Year’s

Posted on December 27, 2019 in
2020 is almost here -- and, for many folks, that means celebrating the night away with your friends and family. Wine, beer and liquor will probably be flowing freely wherever you go, however, so plan ahead to avoid a drunk driving charge. Here are some of your options: 1. Get a free ride If...
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Some kinds of spinal injuries get better, but others don’t

Posted on December 18, 2019 in
The average car accident is nothing more than a fender bender that may produce some minor bruising or soft tissue injuries among the individuals in the vehicles but no lasting medical consequences. Still, every day in Colorado, dozens of people suffer noteworthy injuries in motor vehicle collisions. Some of the most severe injuries people...
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Fighting a DUI charge as a commercial driver

Posted on December 13, 2019 in
Driving under the influence (DUI) charges are always serious -- but that goes doubly so if you happen to be a commercial driver. Your commercial driver's license (CDL) and entire career could be over with a conviction. Drivers with their CDL are held to higher safety standards than drivers with a regular license simply...
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Suffered an injury in a crash? Here’s why you need an attorney

Posted on December 12, 2019 in
One thing that people may not understand is just how important it is to work with an attorney after you've been involved in a collision. Why work with an attorney? There are many reasons. Some include:Having someone on your side who is familiar with the laws regarding personal injury claims in your state Having...
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Driving while tired makes commercial truckers more dangerous

Posted on December 3, 2019 in
If you've ever had to get behind the wheel after a long, stressful day, you likely know how difficult it can be to drive safely while feeling fatigued. The best option for everyone's safety is to stay off the road if you aren't capable of your optimal performance. Unfortunately, particularly for people who drive...
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