If you’re a Lakewood resident who was injured in an auto accident with another at-fault driver, you can suffer a great deal. Not all of the losses and damages you endure will necessarily be due to your physical injuries, — although thos may be extensive as well.
For many victims of car wrecks, the economic damage is what wreaks the most havoc in their lives. Not being able to return to work for extended periods of time takes a toll on most people’s finances. It can be easy to run through any emergency funds within the first weeks after the accident. That’s if there were any rainly-day funds to tap, as many individuals and families live paycheck to paycheck.
There also can be social and familial losses with which victims must cope. if you were the one who cared for the children and kept up with the housework, now you may not be able to do any of that while you recover. Any roles that you fulfilled in the community, e.g., HOA or PTA president, must now be played by others.
You may not even be able to continue being intimate with your spouse, which can create frustration and tension within your marriage. When you are already struggling to come to terms with your post-accident limitations, this can prove overwhelming to many accident victims.
We can help you seek a financial settlement or judgment that can alleviate some of these negatives. Let us file your claim for damages and help you navigate the often complex process to resolve your personal injury claim.