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Lakewood, CO Car Accident Attorney

A car accident and the aftermath can be difficult to navigate as an injured victim. Victims should focus on important issues such as your medical care, physical therapy and getting well. Victims should not have to worry about navigating the justice system in pursuit of financial compensation on top of dealing with serious injuries.

A Lakewood car accident attorney at Flesch Law can provide the skilled legal representation and services accident victims need during this time. A lawyer can provide peace of mind by handling the legal aspects of a claim. We offer free consultations and operate on a contingency fee basis in Lakewood, Colorado.

Lakewood Car Accident Legal Resources

Why Choose Us?

Lakewood car accident lawyers at Flesch Law has more than forty years of legal experience handling personal injury cases in Lakewood, CO. Our firm has experienced accident attorneys and we handle the following types of accident cases:

  • Hit-and-run accidents – Our firm will investigate the other driver and seek compensation through uninsured motorist coverage
  • Truck accidents – We will look into whether the accident involved poor maintenance, defects, hours driving violations, inadequate training and/or driver fatigue
  • Motorcycle accidents – These cases are especially important to attorneys at Flesch Law, as he is a motorcycle rider himself and he understands what it means to be on the road. Flesch Law is sympathetic to victims that have suffered motorcycle injuries
  • SUV rollovers and  auto defects – Often the cause of accidents, it is important to hold these responsible parties accountable for the pain and suffering caused. During a personal injury suit sometimes a manufacturer and negligent driver can be responsible for these damages
  • Pedestrian and bicycle accidents – require an experienced lawyer in order to ensure proper care is taken to get fair compensation. Pedestrian and bicycle accident victims may not own a car themselves and may lack uninsured or underinsured driver coverage
  • Complex cases involving multiple vehicles or mass transportation  – This includes buses that require a lawyer to navigate the best way to recover damages for the injuries suffered

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help?

If you hire a Lakewood car accident attorney from Flesch Law, we can navigate your claim and handle tasks including:

  • Car accident investigation
  • Evidence and document collection
  • Eyewitness interviews
  • Hiring qualified legal and medical experts
  • Insurance claim negotiations
  • Proving your accident losses
  • Going to court against the defendant(s), if necessary

Your car accident lawyer can go head-to-head with an insurance claims adjuster on your behalf to make sure the insurer handles your claim fairly and honestly. If it comes to it, your lawyer can also go to trial to maximize your outcome.

Lakewood CO accident lawyers

What Kind of Car Accident Cases Do We Handle?

Attorneys at Flesch Law represent injury victims and surviving family members that have lost loved ones in fatal accidents. Our firm ensures that every client receives the kind of dedicated and skilled representation required to get the insurance company’s attention after a car accident. The firm’s practice includes:

  • Multicar accidents: No matter what the cause of the accident, attorneys at Flesch Law know how to investigate the incident and prove negligence or even criminal violation of the law.
  • Drunk driving accidents: There are many layers to a DUI or DUID personal injury claim, but Flesch Law knows how to pursue these cases vigorously to get you and your family justice.
  • Uninsured or underinsured accidents: Too many drivers on the road do not have insurance, or do not have enough insurance to cover your real costs. Attorneys at Flesch Law pursues compensation through uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, including hit-and-run accidents.

If you were injured in a car accident that was caused by an uninsured or underinsured motorist, you may be able to obtain compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses through your own automobile insurance policy.

What Damages Can Be Recovered After a Car Accident in Lakewood, CO?

Under Colorado law, a person injured in a car accident caused by another driver’s negligence is entitled to seek compensation from the negligent driver’s insurance. This compensation includes damages for medical costs, lost earnings, and pain and suffering.

A  settlement or jury verdict in a serious and catastrophic motor vehicle crash injury claim requires knowledge and experience working with complex medical and technical evidence. Attorneys at Flesch Law work with independent medical and life care specialists to determine the full extent of medical care and financial damages caused by the injury.

What are Common Causes Car Accidents in Colorado?

Almost all car accidents are preventable. Human errors and driver mistakes are what cause most motor vehicle collisions in Lakewood, Colorado. Dangerous, reckless and careless drivers are frequently behind collisions. Inexperienced and incompetent drivers may make mistakes such as accidentally breaking traffic laws, while reckless drivers may intentionally break the rules.

Some of the most common causes of car accidents in Colorado include:

  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Distracted driving
  • Texting and driving
  • Speeding
  • Driving drowsy
  • Following too closely
  • Weaving between lanes
  • Running red lights
  • Failing to yield the right-of-way

Other nondriver-related issues can also cause or contribute to car accidents in Colorado. For example, if a government agency ignores a pothole, a pothole could cause a tire blowout or rollover accident. The government may be liable for the crash in this scenario. A motor vehicle accident can also be caused by a defective product and can lead to manufacturer liability for a related accident.

What are Common Car Accident Injuries?

There are three collisions in every car accident. The first is the vehicular collision, where the vehicle stops its forward motion by colliding with another vehicle or a fixed object.

The second collision is the human collision. This describes the collision between a vehicle occupant and an element inside of the car that stops his or her forward motion, such as the windshield or steering column.

The third collision is the internal collision. This is the collision between the internal organs and each other or the skeletal frame, stopping their forward motion. The human and internal collisions cause serious or catastrophic physical injuries. Some of the most common examples of these injuries are:

  • Dislocations and soft-tissue injuries
  • Muscle and tendon injuries
  • Lacerations or cuts and scrapes
  • Bone fractures
  • Knee and lower extremity injuries
  • Chest, lung and rib injuries
  • Head trauma and traumatic brain injuries
  • Neck injuries, such as whiplash
  • Back injuries, such as herniated disks
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
  • Internal bleeding or organ damage
  • Wrongful death

In addition to physical injuries, car accident victims in Colorado may experience psychological or emotional harm. A car accident victim can suffer the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder including nightmares and/or flashbacks. Physical and nonphysical injuries can reduce a victim’s quality of life and lead high costs associated with medical and therapy.

Is Colorado a Fault or No-Fault State?

In Colorado, the person or party at fault is responsible for paying for medical expenses, vehicle repairs and other losses connected to a crash out of his or her auto insurance. This is how the insurance system works in Colorado, as a fault state.

After a car crash, a Lakewood car accident attorney will have to determine who was at fault for the collision to file a claim. This may take a thorough investigation, such as returning to the scene where the crash took place. It may also require speaking to eyewitnesses and analyzing a car accident report. Your attorney can help you determine fault for your crash. Then, your attorney can help you collect evidence and go up against that driver’s insurance provider for maximum financial compensation.

Since Jan. 1, 2009, Colorado law requires that all drivers are offered medical payment coverage on their auto insurance policy. This is in addition to the usual bodily injury comprehensive coverage requirements. Many people that have stayed with their insurance company over the years are unaware of the medical payment coverage.

Following a car accident that requires medical care, hospitals may bypass auto insurance coverage and bill the injured party’s health insurance. This requires repayment out of any settlement the victim may receive in a lawsuit settlement.

Car Accident FAQs

In the aftermath of a serious car crash, it is normal to have questions and concerns. Individuals involved in a car crash may wonder who is financially responsible for the losses suffered.

  • How long does it take to get a settlement? This answer depends on how complicated your case is, and whether it reaches a settlement or has to go to court. In general, a car accident settlement takes three to six months to result in a check. A trial, can take a year or longer.
  • How long do I have to file a car accident lawsuit in Colorado? In Colorado the statute of limitations gives individuals a limited amount of time to file a car accident claim. Car accident claims must be filed within three years from the date of the car accident. There are some rare exceptions to this time limit.

Contact Us

A car accident attorney is someone you can trust to give you honest advice, motivated by a true desire to help you and your family recover. At Flesch Law, our Lakewood personal injury lawyers make the legal process as simple and stress-free as possible. We stand by your side through every phase of a lawsuit, answering your questions and concerns along the way.

Flesch Law represent clients that have been  seriously injured or have lost a loved one in any type of motor vehicle accident resulting from the negligence of another driver. There is nothing more devastating than being injured in a car accident or receiving the news that a member of the family has died as the result of a wreck. The sudden impact of the injury or death can result in emotional and financial turmoil for years. When the accident was the result of misconduct on the part of a negligent or  a drunk/drugged driver, the sense of injustice can be intolerable.

Start your case by requesting a free consultation with us in Lakewood, Colorado today. Contact us online or call (303) 980-5511.