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Got Milk? Rollover Dairy Truck Accident Under Investigation

Posted on August 15, 2016 in
Nobody likes to see spilt milk - no one!!! Especially when it has taken a spill on the highway, which is what happened in the wee hours of Tuesday, June 19 on Interstate 25 south of Mulberry just east of Fort Collins.This particular truck accident just so happened to be a single-vehicle crash, which...
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Bus Safety News: Look Before You Book a Bus Trip

Posted on August 10, 2016 in
Many of us overlook one of the most economical, energy-efficient, and roomier modes of transportation out there - the bus. Additionally, because of the hulking footprint, buses also tend to be one of the safest modes of transportation as well. One thing often overlooked when booking a trip to your favorite destination is how...
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Drivers Beware: Pokemon Go Causing Car Accidents

Posted on August 5, 2016 in
The new Pokemon Go sensation is literally taking the nation by storm. Players are causing quite a ruckus, too! Some have scaled law enforcement fences meant to keep people out, crept into cemeteries, and apparently have even discovered an abandoned baby and dead bodies. So, it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility...
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Top DUI Cop Focuses on Preventing Car Accidents

Posted on July 31, 2016 in
Sam Roth is to drunk drivers what Clint Eastwood was to bad guys in all his iconic Dirty Harry roles - an enforcer of the law! Funny too, because "enforcer" is even part of Roth's official title: Larimer County Sheriff's deputy and DUI enforcement officer."People always say, 'Why don't you go investigate something more...
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Is Driver Fatigue a Problem for Taxi/Uber Drivers?

Posted on July 23, 2016 in
In the world of taxiing, carting, trucking and hauling good as a driver, the name of the game has always been work as many hours a possible to make as much money per paycheck as possible. Well, the blowback began decades ago when commercial carriers started getting busted for doing methamphetamines and even cocaine...
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