Posted on October 24, 2018 in
You probably already know that getting a DUI can seriously affect your life. But now Colorado has a new policy that can make the consequences of getting a DUI even more severe. In 2015, Colorado created the state’s first felony-level DUI policy.However, this relatively new policy is confusing for some drivers. There have been...
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Posted on October 19, 2018 in
As a pedestrian, you should do whatever it takes to avoid an accident with a motor vehicle. You can only imagine the pain and suffering that results from being part of this type of accident.Understanding the most common causes of auto-pedestrian accidents can help keep you safe. Here are some things to remember:Darting into...
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Posted on October 4, 2018 in
Just because you aren't moving at a high rate of speed doesn't mean you can't be part of a motor vehicle accident. You need to be on your toes at all times. There are many steps you can take to drive safely in heavy traffic, including the following: Don't weave from lane to lane:...
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Posted on September 28, 2018 in
At this point, practically every person in Colorado owns or at least uses a cell phone on a regular basis. The presence of cell phones in a person’s everyday life means these devices go with you almost everywhere, including in the car.For drivers who struggle to resist the dangerous – and illegal – temptations...
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Posted on September 21, 2018 in
As a driver, you must obey the rules of the road at all times. It's easier said than done, but any mistake can lead to trouble with the law.There are many traffic violations that can result in a traffic ticket. Some of the most common infractions include:Speeding: It doesn't matter if you're within city...
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