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Avoiding the ‘no zones’ can help you avoid accidents with trucks

Posted on January 15, 2019 in
As a driver, you probably are often sharing the road with other types of vehicles, such as large commercial trucks. In 2016, almost 4,500 large trucks and buses were involved in fatal crashes, and 83 percent of the fatalities were not occupants of commercial vehicles, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)....
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Fewer drunk driving arrests in Colorado aren’t really progress

Posted on January 11, 2019 in
The number of drunk driving arrests made in Colorado during times of "increased enforcement" dropped significantly between 2017 and 2018 -- but law enforcement agencies within the state says there's no reason to celebrate. Colorado's Department of Transportation says that 7,723 arrests for drunk and impaired driving were made during a total of 14...
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How texting & driving hijacks control in three major ways

Posted on December 29, 2018 in
Everyone knows that texting while driving is dangerous and at the same time practically everyone is guilty of doing so at one time or another. Since cellphones became mainstream, there have been countless news stories of horrific accidents caused by drivers who choose to get distracted by their phones and suffer the consequences as...
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Know how to handle a sobriety checkpoint in Colorado

Posted on December 27, 2018 in
You probably know that a police officer can normally only initiate a traffic stop when the officer witnesses a traffic violation, notices a vehicle defect that could affect its safety or observes a pattern of behavior that suggests the driver of a car may be impaired by drugs or alcohol.However, sobriety checkpoints are specifically...
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A long drive calls for these safety tips

Posted on December 14, 2018 in
When it comes to your safety, there's a big difference between driving your car across town and hitting the highway for hundreds of miles. While an accident can happen at any time, a long drive calls for you to alter your approach to improve your safety. Here are five things you should do to...
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