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Knowing the causes of pedestrian accidents can keep you safe

Posted on October 19, 2018 in

As a pedestrian, you should do whatever it takes to avoid an accident with a motor vehicle. You can only imagine the pain and suffering that results from being part of this type of accident.

Understanding the most common causes of auto-pedestrian accidents can help keep you safe. Here are some things to remember:

  • Darting into traffic: If you need to cross the street, it’s best to do so at a designated crosswalk.
  • Speeding: When a driver is speeding, they’ll find it more difficult to see what’s going on around them. The same holds true if they need to stop their vehicle in a hurry.
  • Failure to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks: Pedestrians have the right of way at crosswalks, but that doesn’t mean all drivers will slow down and take extra caution.
  • Disregard for weather conditions: When the weather changes, such as snow or rain moving into the area, drivers must adjust their approach.
  • Distracted driving: For example, if a driver is talking on the phone while approaching a busy intersection, they may not see a pedestrian crossing the road.

It’s a good idea to do whatever you can to improve your personal safety and lessen the likelihood of an accident. Just the same, don’t overlook the fact that you can’t control the decisions that others make.

If you’re struck by a motor vehicle, your injuries will require immediate attention. Once you are stable and understand what went wrong, you can learn more about your legal rights as a pedestrian and the many ways you can hold the driver responsible for their negligence.